Ode to models. There are few things in my life that I openly obsess over. One of those things are supermodels. I LOVE THEM. Not just love, I mean really really love. To me, models are living, walking, breathing perfection. They are practically walking Michaelangelo's David....well, except they're girls.....with vaginas. Whatever. They're wonderful. Whether it stems from each girl's individual look, or their ability to blend into their surroundings like an uber tall, perfectly symmetrical chameleon, these girls posses some kind of other-worldly power that is so captivating you can't help but notice. Okay, okay...I'm really only posting this so I can post photos of my most beloved models. BUT WHO CARES IT'S MY BLOG AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT! K, picture time.
Natalia Vodianova. The forever young model.
Tao Okamoto. Japanese pixie superstar.

Natasha Poly. The ultimate face.

Gemma Ward. The doll.

Lara Stone. The alien girl.

Lily Donaldson. The Brit.

Freja Beha. The androgynous wonder.

Jessica Stam. The Stam.

Abbey Lee Kershaw. Gap-toothed flower child.

Agyness Deyn. Legend.