Friday, July 30, 2010

Breakfast of Champions.

GOOD MORRRRNINGGGGGGGGGGG!!! I'm a big believer in a well-balanced diet. And in this blogger's opinion there's nothing better to start off your day than a delicious helping of Georgia-May Jagger. Bon Appetit!

Shawty What Yo Name Is!

Blah blah blah, semi-intoxicated. It's 3:30am, I am very tired. So here are some yada yada yada.....Zipadee do da.

P.s. When I say intoxicated, I mean too lazy to organize these photos, even though I finished that Whiskey Sour like.....3 hours ago. SUCK IT!

P.s.s. Might as well dedicate this post to Sasha Pivovarova, Chloe Sevigny, and the lovely Miss Rachel Yukiko Snyder, for always reading my blog and for just being lovely!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Like...Are You Kidding?

Do yourself a favor. Look at this man. And you tell me that he is not the most babealicious dude you have ever seen in you're entire effing life.

Complete, overwhelming, glorious torture.

Eye Candy to follow in 5...4....3...2...

You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling.